Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:15:06Fruitcakepyro allowed?
21:15:17squeek.only on defense
21:15:27chefmou7hfruitcake go fuck urself
21:16:18Fruitcakeit walks
21:16:21Fruitcakeit shoots
21:16:23Fruitcakesame game
21:16:53Clownlvl 3 burn used to be way too harsh
21:17:22Clownall pyro D
21:17:47chefmou7hready up nigger
21:17:56get a load of this guyBan squeek. please. Racism.
21:18:02chefmou7h^6::^2 5s^7 det ^6::
21:18:08get a load of this guyWAIT HOW DO I TOSS IT OUT? 75 50
21:19:15Gillie_da_Kidget sec
21:20:16get a load on this guytu dumb -379 0
21:20:25get a load on this guyMedic! 71|50
21:20:48get a load on this guytu dumb 33 34
21:21:00get a load on this guygrim walks into a bar, gay bar
21:21:29chefmou7h^6::^4 69 ^6::
21:22:05chefmou7h^6::^2 5s^7 det ^6::
21:30:23get a load of this guyROFL
21:30:49Gillie_da_Kidit's back in flagroom