Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:04:03craigwhere u want to play
23:04:11Prime-it don't matter
23:04:17craigill take shoop
23:04:19who picked these teams[15 / 82] heal pls
23:05:19Prime-girls don't play video games
23:06:53who picked these teams[100 / 164] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom
23:06:56Prime-he's been waiting to play all night
23:08:20squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
23:08:27Prime-is he coming?
23:08:33craiggwho knows
23:08:36squeek.hasnt talked at all\
23:09:54squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:10:04Prime-def ban he didn't want to play this map
23:11:06craigghes coming
23:11:20craiggpyro would be nice on this map
23:11:24craiggwhen flag is in pit
23:11:28Prime-demo doesn't work on this?
23:11:36craigthey get in too fast
23:12:40komoi feel like less of a degen
23:12:46komosince i aint last
23:14:02squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:14:17squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall ]
23:14:33squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall ]
23:14:36who picked these teams[39 / 63] heal pls
23:14:57who picked these teams[39 / 63] armor pls
23:15:51squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp ]
23:16:48squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
23:17:34who picked these teams[63 / 156] armor pls
23:18:20who picked these teams[78 / 88] armor pls
23:18:31squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:18:50squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp ]
23:19:04squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp ]
23:19:49squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
23:20:30squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:20:54who picked these teams[90 / 135] armor pls
23:21:00squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:21:12squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
23:22:32who picked these teams[44 / 257] heal pls
23:22:44squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:22:49who picked these teams[100 / 232] heal pls
23:23:39get a load of this guyBan craig please. Racism.
23:23:54squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:24:05who picked these teams[13 / 0] heal pls
23:24:13squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp ]
23:25:02squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:25:11who picked these teams[100 / 174] heal pls
23:25:17squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall ]
23:25:24get a load of this guyBan zzzzzzzzipo please. Racism.
23:25:30squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
23:25:33squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room ]
23:25:51squeek.flag tossed [ Yard ]
23:26:26squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:27:00squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom ]
23:27:08who picked these teams[48 / 98] heal pls
23:27:18who picked these teams[38 / 60] heal pls