Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:28:39squeek.crunk blue
23:29:06who picked these teams[56 / 42] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom
23:29:19Prime-should i go med
23:29:22komodoes anyone wanna play hw
23:29:26komoi can solj
23:29:30Prime-i'm on it
23:29:32zzzzzzzzipoi would if no one wants to
23:30:03Prime-i'm a asian woman to be exact
23:30:06komoramp rooom sol needs comms
23:30:11komoall we need is comms
23:30:22komoi can ramp room if someone wants to hw
23:30:33komou basically just play on the bag in the flagroom/on the flag
23:31:10get a load of this guyoh that's oaties
23:31:12get a load of this guyrofl
23:32:13who picked these teams[35 / 37] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp
23:32:26who picked these teams[5 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
23:32:35who picked these teams[64 / 80] flag thrown @ Yard
23:33:49who picked these teams[40 / 19] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp
23:34:00who picked these teams[50 / 53] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp
23:34:06who picked these teams[-2 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:34:19get a load of this guykomo and nap holding it down
23:34:21who picked these teams[42 / 50] flag thrown @ Yard
23:34:30get a load of this guy2 kills between them
23:35:18Prime-water side
23:36:28who picked these teams[69 / 72] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:36:30who picked these teams[-66 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:36:43who picked these teams[-35 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:37:00Prime-water side
23:37:24who picked these teams[27 / 5] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom
23:39:45who picked these teams[44 / 34] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall
23:40:01who picked these teams[49 / 53] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Hall
23:40:26who picked these teams[-1 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:40:55who picked these teams[29 / 19] heal pls
23:40:58who picked these teams[24 / 12] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:41:21who picked these teams[45 / 23] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
23:44:18who picked these teams[41 / 39] heal pls
23:44:33get a load of this guysnakey on d like...
23:44:34get a load of this guyFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 1 0
23:45:06who picked these teams[-7 / 0] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Flagroom
23:45:41get a load of this guy
23:45:47get a load of this guy
23:45:52who picked these teams[28 / 35] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:45:54get a load of this guy
23:45:56get a load of this guy
23:46:03who picked these teams[27 / 27] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
23:46:06get a load of this guyFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 1 0
23:46:07get a load of this guyFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 1 0