Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:32:24dz!nominate ff_schtop
22:33:54john wackfix that mic pls
22:34:14TheOnewhat mic
22:34:19dzwhos mike
22:34:20uwuuse a bind for voice?
22:35:33uwudy dz twin brothers?
22:38:46who picked these teams[1 / 0] heal pls
22:39:46john wackI dropped the flag 34 39, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
22:40:19who picked these teams[45 / 62] heal pls
22:40:21who picked these teams[9 / 9] heal pls
22:40:37who picked these teams[45 / 54] heal pls
22:40:51who picked these teams[41 / 49] heal pls
22:41:02who picked these teams[5 / 0] heal pls
22:41:26who picked these teams[16 / 15] heal pls
22:41:58who picked these teams[85 / 95] flag thrown @ #FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
22:42:11who picked these teams[11 / 0] heal pls
22:42:47john wackI dropped the flag 80 96, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
22:42:51john wackI dropped the flag -5 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
22:43:04john wackI dropped the flag 77 100, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
22:43:50john wackI dropped the flag 63 64, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:44:17john wackI dropped the flag 33 14, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:44:18john wackI dropped the flag -14 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:44:36who picked these teams[34 / 40] heal pls
22:44:48john wackI dropped the flag 62 52, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:45:34john wackI dropped the flag -7 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:45:58who picked these teams[35 / 43] heal pls
22:46:18john wackI dropped the flag 57 74, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Side
22:46:18john wackI dropped the flag -44 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Side
22:47:17john wackI dropped the flag 13 18, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
22:47:20john wackI dropped the flag 13 18, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
22:48:38john wackI dropped the flag -39 7, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:48:53john wackI dropped the flag -7 18, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:48:58who picked these teams[14 / 7] heal pls
22:51:28john wackI dropped the flag -13 17, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
22:51:29who picked these teams[8 / 1] heal pls
22:51:47john wackI dropped the flag 23 30, is it on #FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
22:52:23john wackrofl wtf