Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:30:31E_-Kcould u hear me
21:30:44zu have me muted or just deaf
21:32:38zprime is deaf
21:32:45john wackI dropped the flag 53 43, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
21:32:45john wackI dropped the flag 38 21, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
21:33:33Sabbath2mins plz
21:33:38zu had 8 already
21:33:38@Hbust a nut later
21:33:40@Hletrs go
21:33:54nukiFlag Thrown 31 23
21:34:10john wackI dropped the flag -1 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Foyer
21:34:38E_-Ki can't hear you guys in discord
21:34:48E_-Kit's not muted
21:34:56zall those excuses for hacks made u deaf
21:34:58@Hgame volume?
21:35:12Ore0-ayyo sab lets go
21:35:20E_-Kgame volume works fine
21:35:30E_-Kcan't hear anything in discord
21:36:34zare we sure sab isn't actually stiffy
21:36:49@Hnut busted
21:37:36john wackI dropped the flag 36 21, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
21:37:47nukiFlag Thrown 61 60
21:37:51z[30 / 21] heal pls
21:38:47z[95 / 32] armor pls
21:39:17z[11 / 0] heal pls
21:39:53z[34 / 39] heal pls
21:41:15z[42 / 74] heal pls
21:43:04z[10 / 0] heal pls
21:44:56z[61 / 174] heal pls
21:48:01nukiFlag Thrown -3 0
21:48:20john wackI dropped the flag 25 1, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
21:48:21john wackI dropped the flag -20 0, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
21:48:48john wackI dropped the flag 31 22, is here #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
21:49:14z[43 / 77] heal pls
21:51:49SabbathGAME IQ 19099999