Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:46:06noodle armsho
21:46:30noodle armsfox
21:46:32noodle armswhat fov
21:46:33noodle armsbrawr
21:46:35noodle arms:P
21:46:39fox95 so far
21:46:42foxgetting there
21:46:50noodle armswhat did you use before?
21:46:56foxlike every sheep
21:46:57noodle armswhy not stick to 120?
21:47:00hir'pls explain
21:47:03hir'why 90 is better
21:47:07biocuz snakey
21:47:10foxask snakey
21:47:10biothats all
21:47:10noodle armsfov
21:47:13hir'fox is saying
21:47:19hir'to toggle between 75 and 90
21:47:23noodle armsits just a matter of preference
21:47:42foxif u dont shoot like a snakey better join like a snakey with fov 90
21:47:47titfox hanging up portraits of snakey in his room
21:47:49foxim getting there though personally
21:47:53noodle armsi used 90 because it's default
21:48:02hir'going to guess it's snakey's aim
21:48:04hir'and less of his fov
21:48:04penisfox mailing his mousepad to canada for signature
21:48:08hir'just throwing that out there
21:48:09foxsnakey can try 120 and tell us if u can aim like u do
21:48:16noodle armsno
21:48:17noodle armsi cant
21:48:21noodle armsi tried 120
21:48:32noodle armscant get use to it
21:48:34bioready up
21:48:40bio.r for fov lessons
21:48:42FruitcakeOne sec, noodle arms can't find his .r key.
21:48:44noodle armsi played 4:3
21:49:53titchanging fov to 90 and taping two chopsticks forming an X on my monitor for crosshair
21:50:01Fruitcakeyou get walls at 140
21:50:08noodle armssqueek got some good ones
21:50:08braindead moronok noodle arms
21:51:22tit<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? -35 5
21:51:47tittossed -4882~0
21:52:49tittossed 19~30
21:52:51tittossed -47~3
21:53:12tittossed -4~23
21:54:22titsqueek.: cheater 4 26
21:54:48tittossed 48~40
21:55:26braindead moronok Fruitcake
21:56:10tittossed 72~50
21:56:19tittossed 13~27
21:56:20tittossed -4~21
21:57:10tittossed -6~18
21:57:48tittossed -11~18
21:59:23titok tit
22:00:25tittossed -1~22
22:02:05patdoowop nonsense
22:02:18penisNOT ON MY WATCH 69 76
22:02:36titMedic.. [41|36]
22:02:41tittossed -8~17
22:03:01penisNOT ON MY WATCH 57 83
22:03:31tittossed 44~40
22:04:04noodle armsns
22:04:52penisNOT ON MY WATCH 73 94