Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:23:23Clownleagues fun thnx coach :D
21:23:29worst TFC player playing FFfosho
21:23:39DeadMeat ( DeadBeat )currentmap
21:24:57worst TFC player playing FF!ready
21:25:00foxok 2 havn't played this map b4,
21:25:04foxneed to show the map
21:25:07foxdont shoot
21:25:08DeadMeat ( DeadBeat )almost done looking
21:25:46worst TFC player playing FFthis shotty has the weakest sound
21:25:55K^. hir'how dare you
21:26:03Clownu on blue btw coach
21:26:17foxdont shoot
21:26:24worst TFC player playing FFi keep forgetting i can just hold down the spacebar
21:26:46K^. hir'fox
21:26:48Clownyeah just be careful cuz it can make you trimp accidentally on ramps
21:26:51K^. hir'theres 3 entries into fr
21:26:53K^. hir'ele light and dark
21:26:58K^. hir'ok now you know the map
21:27:21worst TFC player playing FFele slower than shit
21:27:28K^. hir'you can jump into the ele from f r too
21:27:31K^. hir'from dark side
21:28:47K^. hir'are you guys missing someone?
21:29:21Clowni dunno cuz ppl dont use their right names lol
21:29:32Clownbut coach supposed to be on blue
21:29:52Clownis deadmeat dark temp or?
21:29:54DeadMeat ( DeadBeat )yers
21:30:02DeadMeat ( DeadBeat ).raedy
21:30:05K^. hir'now just need goosebill?
21:30:06foxwe rdy
21:30:15Clownyeah goose having trouble getting map maybe?
21:30:22K^. hir'I dont want to play
21:30:26K^. hir'but will if you need a sub
21:31:43K^. hir'hfhf
21:31:49DeadMeat ( DeadBeat )gl hf
21:40:52GooseBill^4 yes
21:44:30foxgrog spec
21:45:04grogwhy kicked???
21:45:08grogi dont get it.
21:45:12Consoleplease spectate
21:45:16worst TFC player playing FFits a pickup
21:45:20foxprivate match
21:46:10grogyall are hypocrites you probably cry about the game being dead but then play only on shitty pickup game server
21:46:17grogwhich gatekeeps there from being any ppl joining.
21:46:26Violetninjaomg stfu
21:46:34grognah u kno its true rat
21:46:36worst TFC player playing FFjus give him the discord so he can add up?
21:46:37kids these daysgrog moment
21:46:42grognot joining the discord
21:46:46worst TFC player playing FFthats on u then
21:46:52grogas i said not a hypocrite who will contribute to the deadness of the game
21:47:03Clownyou joined a passworded server
21:47:06Clownand didnt folow the rules lol
21:47:06grogpug is a dumb thing anyways
21:47:07foxits so dead thats why we are playing
21:47:11grogwhy care about a comp rank