Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:16:20Lt. Alyssanot shooting them 1 time again
16:16:29Cpt. Samanthawhere gun?
16:16:37Lt. Alyssadispenser only
16:16:42Cpt. Samanthadonde?
16:16:44IDuckZyIwe defending now or?
16:16:46Lt. Alyssayup
16:16:46Cpt. Samanthayes
16:16:47Hickoryspy wont do much on defense
16:16:51Cpt. Samanthagl gl
16:16:58Lt. Alyssarunning straight lines only
16:17:06IDuckZyIi was just seeing if we were still on offense
16:17:12Lt. Alyssana you guys are defense now
16:17:15Lt. Alyssayou got 4 caps
16:17:19Lt. Alyssawe have to beat that
16:18:01IDuckZyIthey have a spy disguised
16:18:28Hickorywaste of time to type that
16:18:29IDuckZyIspy invis
16:20:27Cpt. SamanthaLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:20:30Hickorydont come down
16:20:34Hickorykeep high ground
16:21:12Hickorythey abuse your mistakes
16:21:17Hickorythey do not care for death or kills
16:23:47Lt. Alyssarof
16:24:17Lt. Alyssado you guys wanna feel the power
16:24:19Lt. Alyssa?
16:24:32Hickorypower is the result of strife
16:25:57Lt. AlyssaSHH
16:26:02Cpt. SamanthaROFL
16:26:07HickoryWill you stop doing that?
16:27:09HickoryWhy aren't you returning?
16:27:14Cpt. Samanthalose?
16:27:15Cpt. Samanthaor tie?
16:27:16Lt. AlyssaIDC
16:27:31Cpt. Samanthafuck