Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:18:15GooseBillTossed at
20:19:11tweeterbuild jp
20:19:14tweetertheir FD
20:19:16tweeternot ours
20:19:24Some dumb chilean named YoYowho will be spy?
20:20:01tweeterjust toss flag
20:20:05tweetertill its floor
20:20:16Some dumb chilean named YoYosnakey be engy
20:20:51tweeter!rcon sv_alltalk 1
20:20:57burlap sack filled with flourhey
20:21:06burlap sack filled with flourye
20:21:33burlap sack filled with flourneeds turret
20:22:32tweetertu dumb -5 0
20:23:14Some dumb chilean named YoYoFlag thrown! @:-8|16
20:24:18GooseBill^5Give Tweety ^3yellow ^5llamas. (1,20)
20:25:44Drakulayou guys should try spy its a good spy map
20:25:51tweeterthats it
20:25:52GooseBillTossed at
20:25:54tweeterwe need spoy
20:26:00tweetergreat tipk
20:26:08Some dumb chilean named YoYoFlag thrown! @:64|66
20:26:19Some dumb chilean named YoYoHey buddy You should learn to conc destroy before entering FF [+ 10 | @ 0]
20:27:30Some dumb chilean named YoYons
20:27:46Some dumb chilean named YoYolmao
20:29:27Some dumb chilean named YoYoNice homerun goose
20:30:05tweetertu dumb 67 82
20:31:29Some dumb chilean named YoYosqueek.:pfffftttt [+ -3 | @ 0]
20:32:56tweetertu dumb -17 0
20:34:10Some dumb chilean named YoYorofl
20:34:19Some dumb chilean named YoYoFlag thrown! @:-24|0
20:35:34FruitcakeHLTV wat u doin
20:35:44HLTVrecording for server
20:35:45Some dumb chilean named YoYoWhere is the flag? [+ 82 | @ 33]
20:36:33Some dumb chilean named YoYoFlag thrown! @:28|11
20:36:41Some dumb chilean named YoYogg
20:36:49Drakulagg spy won it
20:36:54Philfun map
20:36:55tweeteryeah it was the spy for sure
20:36:55Fruitcakerough one but im sure next will be close!
20:37:01Some dumb chilean named YoYoHey buddy You should learn to conc destroy before entering FF [+ 52 | @ 43]