Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:34:46Fruitcakeim gonna need 10 mirvs fd
20:34:59linktop frag solly on swoop or
20:35:15vtbcan u sub me
20:35:18vtbi got a phone call
20:35:28FruitcakeI can if its urgent
20:35:49rawDawgCAN U PLAY?
20:37:14Drakulaready up i gotta go soon\
20:37:26linkraw left?
20:37:30linkwetf is going on
20:37:30Drakulaplay till 5 then you guys can surrender
20:37:55Goosebill^5Give Tweety ^3yellow ^5llamas. (72,50)
20:37:58TweetyGreen parrots are true veterans!!
20:38:00linkis this happening?
20:38:13Goosebillvinny ready
20:38:32vtbim acbk
20:38:41vtbcan we rs
20:38:42vtbor na
20:39:22TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Room:100|200
20:39:51GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:40:10GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:40:22TweetyGreen parrots are true veterans!!
20:40:59GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:41:31TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Connector:100|171
20:43:06TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room:55|24
20:43:24GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:43:43TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:64|58
20:43:43linkHELLO OR? -477 0
20:44:10TweetyThey come to my side! @Bottom Yard:100|200
20:44:33TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Connector:100|200
20:45:01TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Connector:100|186
20:45:31GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:45:35GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:46:19TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Connector:100|200
20:46:19linkNOT ON MY WATCH 42 28
20:46:25TweetyGreen parrots are true veterans!!
20:46:44linkHELLO OR? -810 0
20:46:46Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 53 | @ 25]
20:47:07linku fucker
20:47:39TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Red Respawn:100|200
20:47:56TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room:92|92
20:48:35linkHELLO OR? -323 0
20:48:42linkthis security can suck my dck
20:48:52TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Room:65|33
20:49:09GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:49:40BiG_WaGsyour mother
20:49:41linkNOT ON MY WATCH 4 0
20:49:57Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 61 | @ 25]
20:50:01TweetyI need medical attention fool
20:51:16GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:51:33linkGIMME GIMME -3 0
20:51:36GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:51:45GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room
20:52:11GoosebillTossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:53:19linkNOT ON MY WATCH 25 32
20:53:29linkNOT ON MY WATCH 75 50
20:53:30linkFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 75 50
20:53:35vtbgg fellas
20:53:50BiG_WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?