Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:17:31Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 18 | @ 4]
21:18:53imapotatoeflusha res
21:21:10TweetyWhere is the flag? [+ 58 | @ 28]
21:21:33Fruitcakewere you getting steamid error bowser?
21:21:35Dimethyltryptamine11 4
21:21:44Fruitcakekk just wanted to be sure i didnt kick you
21:21:46Fruitcakefor realz
21:21:55Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 80 | @ 50]
21:22:45imapotatoeblack you're red
21:22:56Maxine Watersno
21:23:02imapotatoered is the new black
21:23:07Maxine Watersim black
21:23:14imapotatoeokay rachel thats enoughy
21:24:22sophrosyne`DOT R
21:24:25TweetyGreen parrots are true veterans!!
21:24:36Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 58 | @ 39]
21:25:38TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:30|18
21:25:55TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:59|42
21:28:05imapotatoetu dumb 90 100
21:28:13Tweetysqueek.:pfffftttt [+ 27 | @ 19]
21:28:21Tweetydimitry dont do that :)
21:28:35TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:69|14
21:28:49TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:40|26
21:29:35TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:70|49
21:29:38TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED #FF_LOCATION_RESPAWN:80|50
21:30:11Fruitcakewat a rail
21:30:11TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:32|14
21:30:41imapotatoeMedic! 80|88
21:32:32TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:16|50
21:32:55TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:16|50
21:34:39imapotatoetu dumb 63 100
21:34:42sophrosyne`STOP CRYING ABOUT LOSING 90 120
21:35:50TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:71|49
21:38:23Fruitcakewat a goomba