Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:40:26sophrosyne`STOP CRYING ABOUT LOSING 84 100
21:45:03sophrosyne`SimplerName: spam more 90 100
21:56:42SimplerNameis there a pickup later?
21:56:50Fruitcakethere's one open right now if you want to add
21:57:03SimplerNameill add in another time
21:57:05Fruitcakewe play when we get to 8
22:07:14sophrosyne`^7This medic can destroy guns faster than you can blink. ^2CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW
22:08:16SimplerNameFlag dropped at
22:09:05SimplerNameFlag dropped at ! [51 43]
22:09:33SimplerNameFlag dropped at ! [51 43]
22:09:36SimplerNameFlag dropped at ! [51 43]
22:09:56FruitcakeIt's like pushing a potato through a fence 14 46
22:10:20SimplerNameFlag dropped at ! [90 100]
22:14:41SimplerNameyElL aT Me wHy dOnT YaH [90 100]
22:15:30SimplerName^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ^7 ^8 ^9 ^0
22:16:07SimplerName^11 ^22 ^33 ^44 ^55 ^66 ^77 ^88 ^99 ^00
22:16:53SimplerName^6hi how^
22:17:52SimplerName^4yElL aT Me wHy dOnT YaH^ [^190^ ^2100^]