Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:50:18gamer girl!beacon gamer
22:52:35foxwho we waiting on
22:52:38booty cheekscehf
22:52:41booty cheeksu dumbass
22:52:57booty cheeksrofl
22:52:58booty cheeks3wetf
22:53:22gamer girl!ban everyone
22:53:33booty cheekschef is mad dehydrated already
22:54:49little eddie,r
22:54:52booty cheekscan ready hurry up
22:54:55little eddieim watching you Fruitcake
22:54:55booty cheeksffs
22:54:57little eddiebroken game is broken -44 0 Fruitcake
22:55:01little eddie.ready and shut the fuck up thanks
22:55:03booty cheeksNOT ON MY WATCH 90 100
22:55:05rail my assholeNOT ON MY WATCH 100 300
22:55:05little eddieim watching you, Fruitcake
22:55:59little eddie37 33
22:57:37booty cheeksNOT ON MY WATCH 9 0
22:57:43booty cheeksROFL<
23:00:17little eddie^6:: ^5tossed^4 7 ^6::
23:00:21gamer girltu dumb 70 50
23:02:12little eddie^6:: ^5tossed^4 -15 ^6::
23:03:13booty cheekswhat
23:03:38little eddie^6:: ^5tossed^4 -9 ^6::
23:04:29booty cheeksis dioscord broken
23:04:42little eddieyea
23:08:28little eddie^6:: ^5tossed^4 -43 ^6::
23:10:04booty cheeksWE HAD THE WORST LUCK. RS OR I'M LEAVING 75 50
23:10:10rail my assholeSTOP CRYING ABOUT LOSING 83 136