Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
02:23:30Fruitcakeya prematch yes
02:23:33Fruitcakein prematch
02:23:35chloeonly until the game starts
02:23:35squeek.not when it starts
02:23:36Fruitcakealltalk in prematch
02:23:41Fruitcakeonce game starts teams only
02:24:05Fruitcakeclam pls Clown
02:24:07Fruitcakeclam pls squeek.
02:24:10Fruitcakespoon: how long?
02:24:25soap breakeryou guys think i could play next game?
02:24:31soap breakermy ping might not let me tho
02:24:37Fruitcakedo you have discord? we set up our 4v4s using discord
02:24:42soap breakeryeah
02:24:42Fruitcakein the official FF discord
02:24:47soap breakeri'm gumbuk in FF discord
02:24:48Fruitcakeare you on there?
02:24:52Fruitcakejust add up
02:24:56Fruitcakefor the next one
02:24:56soap breakerthats why i know the password, duh
02:25:04soap breakereyah, i'm asking if people will still play
02:25:05Fruitcakeit's not a particularly secret password lol
02:25:12squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
02:25:13soap breakeryeah that's true kek
02:25:46soap breakercivil discourse in the fortress forever game
02:25:54soap breakercool toss
02:26:14NikkiDemoman is weak!
02:27:01soap breakerclown why do you stop by the tunnel
02:27:04soap breakeris it to time the conc
02:27:14Fruitcakeprobably to hit ramps at the right angle
02:27:19soap breakeryeah
02:27:21soap breakerfair
02:27:45soap breakerunlucky
02:28:00squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Top Double Ramps ]
02:28:50soap breakerfirst cap of the round
02:29:03soap breakerunless i'm schizophrenic and missed one
02:29:31squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Underpass ]
02:29:46soap breakeralmost airshot?
02:30:00soap breakerdonked his head
02:31:24soap breakeri was gonna say something but realized it could be taken out of context
02:31:40soap breakerbodyblock
02:31:42squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Crossover ]
02:32:17squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Crossover ]
02:32:32squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Underpass ]
02:33:11soap breakernow, i've never played TFC in any meaningfull amount so can a veteran or something explain
02:33:12squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ]
02:33:21soap breakerdid TFC also have security systems on maps
02:33:22Fruitcakeexplain wat?
02:33:26Fruitcakesome maps
02:33:29soap breakeroh, ok
02:33:29Fruitcakemonkey for example does not
02:33:31Fruitcakebut a lot do
02:33:40soap breakermonkey was a thing in TFC?
02:33:45Fruitcaketfc map
02:33:49soap breakeri see
02:33:59squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Crossover ]
02:34:02soap breakerflag miss
02:34:10squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Crossover ]
02:34:31soap breakerflag mis 2
02:34:44soap breakerWAS THAT A MIDAIR CATCH?
02:35:00soap breakeram i going mad or did clown catch the flag midair
02:35:38squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Bottom Double Ramps ]
02:35:45Fruitcakethat was very smooth clown till it wasnt
02:36:40soap breakercan you go backwards into a flag and toss it as you touch it
02:37:02squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Crossover ]
02:37:18soap breakeralso, i've found that you can bhop backwards which i find funny
02:37:36soap breakerimagine playing an entire round with the restriction that you can only bhop backwards
02:37:52Fruitcakeyou can bhop with any of a,s,d,w it's just harder
02:37:52chloetu dumb 59 44
02:37:54squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Underpass ]
02:38:07squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Underpass ]
02:38:08soap breakerso close
02:38:18squeek.flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Underpass ]
02:38:33soap breakerthat's a win
02:38:46soap breakerman, map hard
02:39:03soap breaker30 second cap?
02:39:29soap breakerpull off a homerun somebody
02:39:37soap breakernice game