Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:08:19starlight5 | 0
21:08:22starlight-17 | 0
21:08:31starlight80 | 100
21:09:29Tweetypfffftttt [+ 80 | @ 50]
21:09:31rDready now
21:09:38grimaceor what
21:09:42Tweetypfffftttt [+ 12 | @ 0]
21:09:44where is the taunt buttonalways gose and snakey duos that stomp
21:09:44rDor we dont play
21:10:01rDhi grimace
21:14:19TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:53|39
21:15:14starlighttu dumb 76 98
21:15:19starlighttu dumb 34 31
21:15:38starlighttu dumb -469 0
21:17:23TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:63|45
21:17:59Tweetypfffftttt [+ 57 | @ 32]
21:19:31starlighttu dumb 90 100
21:20:27TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Room:52|27
21:23:18TweetyThey come to my side! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:59|38
21:24:03Tweetypfffftttt [+ 80 | @ 50]
21:25:11guy play with no honorgg