Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:54:00( Fellas . vtb )just do captains
20:54:06( Fellas . vtb )lest try and make it even
20:54:11( Fellas . vtb )im terrible rn
20:54:14rDpick capts
20:54:19( Fellas . vtb )who should be capt
20:54:21( Fellas . vtb )u tell me
20:54:22woo pigwho do u wajnt as capts
20:54:52( Fellas . vtb )rd and spoon?
20:54:54i lost a friendi can soldier main instead of hw to make it more ir
20:54:56i lost a friendmore fair
20:55:05woo pigidc
20:55:12woo pigmake an executive decision
20:55:24( Fellas . vtb )im steppnig down as ceo of this pickup
20:55:27( Fellas . vtb )and nominating rd
20:55:38( Fellas . vtb )to step in and fill my spot as ceo of this here pickup
20:55:39i lost a friendrd says shuffle
20:55:46i lost a friendif you dont like these teams we can offclass
20:55:47rDjust play these teams
20:55:49( Fellas . vtb )ok
20:55:51( Fellas . vtb )np
20:55:56i lost a friendwe'll do double soldier
20:56:05( Fellas . vtb )who is missing
20:56:09i lost a friendnil?
20:56:10woo pignil
20:56:26i lost a friendhe's getting on
20:57:03woo pigI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team 80 50
20:57:19i lost a friendSTOP CRYING ABOUT LOSING 43 21
20:57:21TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:0|19
20:57:21woo pigFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 80 50
20:57:35( Fellas . vtb )rd up
20:57:39woo pigu first
20:58:55TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:52|44
20:59:32TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:6|22
21:00:21i lost a friendNOT ON MY WATCH 2 0
21:01:13TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:71|50
21:01:17TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:33|29
21:01:48woo pigNOT ON MY WATCH 51 39
21:02:38TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:-41|2
21:03:51TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:7|24
21:04:14TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard:4|23
21:04:38TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Side:35|34
21:04:50woo pigI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team 80 50
21:05:03TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Front Door:-23|14
21:05:18Tweetypfffftttt [+ 3 | @ 22]
21:05:19woo pigNOT ON MY WATCH 80 50
21:05:51Tweetypfffftttt [+ 75 | @ 50]
21:06:33TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:-43|3
21:06:45TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:75|50
21:06:48TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:-967|0
21:10:05TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room:72|50
21:10:20woo pigNOT ON MY WATCH 54 50
21:11:26TweetyFlag thrown! @#FF_TEAM_RED Ramp Side:10|25
21:12:45Tweetypfffftttt [+ 9 | @ 23]
21:13:12woo pigI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team 37 12