Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:02:11wooocrackbabythis game sucks anyway (h, 50)
20:10:26wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(12,24)
20:11:04wooocrackbaby@puger is it time?
20:11:10spoonI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team 91 165
20:11:22wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(8,23)
20:11:57wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(2,19)
20:12:29wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(75,50)
20:17:42wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(3,20)
20:18:25wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(14,26)
20:19:59wooocrackbabybindworthy (7,23)
20:22:30wooocrackbabybindworthy (2,21)
20:23:50wooocrackbaby^1Tossed at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room, ^9(14,29)
20:26:53spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 75 50
20:28:27wooocrackbabybindworthy (71,86)
20:31:19wooocrackbabythis game sucks anyway (h, 0)
20:31:24spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 67 50
20:32:00wooocrackbabythis game sucks anyway (h, 73)
20:32:01wooocrackbabythis game sucks anyway (h, 73)
20:38:36Tweetyhi pendejos
20:38:42spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 66 48
20:38:52wooocrackbabyTENGO SED
20:40:15spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 6 24
20:40:32TweetyINVITE NINE
20:40:41TweetyHey, If you want hang with the cool kids, Get some Skillz Brah. [+ 100 | @ 300]
20:40:42Tweety^5NOT ^2ON ^6MY ^7WATCH ^9jAjAjAjA!!!. [+ 100 | @ 300]
20:40:52spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 32 36
20:40:58spoonI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team 32 36
20:41:01Tweety^5NOT ^2ON ^6MY ^7WATCH ^9jAjAjAjA!!!. [+ 80 | @ 50]
20:41:34Tweety^5NOT ^2ON ^6MY ^7WATCH ^9jAjAjAjA!!!. [+ 80 | @ 50]
20:41:43spoonI'm sure the next 5 minutes of this pug will go perfectly fine with no issues for my team -29 6
20:43:54spoontweety i bet u cant cap on us
20:44:59wooocrackbabythis game sucks anyway (h, 200)
20:47:51Tweety^5NOT ^2ON ^6MY ^7WATCH ^9jAjAjAjA!!!. [+ 30 | @ 14]
20:48:25spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 23 7
20:48:53TweetyIn 15min ill remov
20:49:44TweetyHey, If you want hang with the cool kids, Get some Skillz Brah. [+ 75 | @ 49]
20:49:45Tweety^5NOT ^2ON ^6MY ^7WATCH ^9jAjAjAjA!!!. [+ 75 | @ 50]
20:51:32Tweety^7pfffftttt [+ 20 | @ 0]
20:51:43Tweetyduel sniper?
20:51:46spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 75 50
20:51:59spoonplay offense
20:52:06Tweety^2Uhhh... i like turtles [+ 90 | @ 50]
20:52:06spoonu wont touch flag
20:52:07Tweety^7pfffftttt [+ 90 | @ 50]
20:52:11spoonmy brother in christ
20:52:14Tweetysniper duel?
20:52:17Tweety^7pfffftttt [+ 69 | @ 41]
20:52:20spoonive capped like 50 times
20:52:23Tweetyscared ?
20:52:45Tweetyscared xD
20:52:53spoon1v1 me push
20:52:56spoondemos only
20:53:25spoon1v1 push
20:54:24spoonk pickup not filling
20:54:29spoongiving 5 more minutes