Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
17:32:40Slappy Joeshwg really?
17:32:43Slappy Joesdon't play that gay shit
17:32:46Slappy Joesyou got two caps for free
17:32:47Southerns Finesthe has never played before
17:32:50Southerns Fineststop crying
17:32:50Slappy Joesidgaf
17:32:54Southerns Finesthes the hw
17:32:56Southerns Finestu cry baby
17:32:59Slappy Joesi played soldier
17:32:59not grimacehw takes the most skill
17:33:03Slappy Joesit really doesn't
17:33:11mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(55,67)
17:34:12doublah^5[^310H^5|^323A^5] NEED HEALTH/ARMOR ^5|
17:34:48mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(28,17)
17:36:28mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(54,60)
17:38:03mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(-53,0)
17:40:34Southerns FinestNOT ON MY WATCH 45 70
17:43:31mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(11,18)
17:43:45mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(90,100)
17:44:10Southerns FinesttFOLFL
17:46:02mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(28,14)
17:47:14mcd grimace^1Tossed at , ^9(62,52)
17:49:24Southerns FinestNOT ON MY WATCH 100 200
17:49:26Southerns Finestrekt
17:49:30Slappy Joesgg
17:49:30mcd grimacegg
17:49:31not grimaceEZ