Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:13:52Southerns Finestoh u wanna play frfr?
20:14:07Slappy Joesup to you
20:14:13Slappy Joesfor the logs lol
20:14:22Southerns Finesthow do i record?
20:14:28Slappy Joeswdym
20:14:33Southerns Finesti wanna record a demo
20:14:41Southerns Finestmy staff doesnt think i can game
20:14:45Slappy Joesrecord <filename>
20:14:48Southerns Finesti wanna show those fuckers some shit
20:14:48Slappy Joesin console
20:14:52Slappy Joesso like
20:14:55Slappy Joesrecord slappyowned
20:15:14Southerns Finestthen how do i upload to YT?
20:15:18Southerns Finestor w/e
20:15:27Slappy Joesyou gotta record it like with OBS or some shit
20:15:32Southerns Finestwtf
20:15:32Slappy Joesbut it's gonna be a big fucking file
20:15:45Southerns Finesti cant take the demo and upload it?
20:16:06Slappy Joesnah coz the demo just uses the game resources and ticks to determine what happens in-engine
20:16:09Slappy Joesit's not like a video file
20:16:16Southerns Finestthats not fair to me
20:16:31Slappy Joeslol if you want you can send me the demo over discord and i'll record it and upload it
20:16:43Southerns Finestummm
20:16:46Southerns Finestso i record it
20:16:53Southerns Finestand how do i send that to you
20:16:56Slappy Joesso
20:17:01Slappy Joesafter you're already recording the demo
20:17:08Slappy Joestype stop when you want to end it in console
20:17:16Slappy Joesand then it either shows up in your FF root folder
20:17:23Slappy Joesor there's a demos folder, either way it's easily findable
20:17:32Slappy Joesand it should be small enough to send over discord
20:17:42Southerns Finesthow do i do that, drag and drop?
20:17:46Slappy Joesyeah
20:17:48Southerns Finestor do i have to zip or someshit
20:17:51Slappy Joesnah
20:17:57Slappy Joesthe file shouldn't be more than 30 megs
20:18:04Southerns Finesthmmm
20:19:13Slappy Joesthere is also the demo recorded by the server you can download from the ff pickup site
20:19:19Slappy Joesbut that requires us starting an actual game
20:19:25Slappy Joesand it records the whole server, not just your POV
20:19:31Southerns Finestoh word
20:19:35Southerns Finesthmmmm
20:19:45Southerns Finestso...record <spoonisgay>
20:19:52Slappy Joesyou don't have to include the arrows
20:19:52Southerns Finestand it records instantly?
20:19:56Slappy Joesbut yeah
20:20:02Slappy Joesuntil you type stop to stop it
20:24:14Southerns FinestNOT ON MY WATCH 100 200
20:26:17Southerns Finestasdjflkhsadjlh
20:27:30Southerns FinestEvery day, all day we ballin 89 159
20:27:39Southerns FinestROFL!
20:29:12Southerns Finestno way lol
20:31:50Southerns FinestROFL
20:32:02Slappy Joeswhat can i do
20:32:05Southerns FinestEvery day, all day we ballin 100 200
20:32:06Slappy Joesthe game doesn't trimp when i tell it to
20:34:04Slappy Joescan i just get one
20:34:05Slappy Joeslike really
20:34:06Southerns FinestEvery day, all day we ballin 68 75
20:34:35Slappy Joesgame doesn't ever wanna give me the flag though i go right through it
20:34:39Southerns Finest:/