Fortress Forever Log Parser
Blue Kills
NameTotalFragGrenACSShotgunYPipesSGRPGBPipesPewPewMirvSNailgunEMPAidsLaserDetpackSGdetWrenchShotgunPewPew 1 Bounce
pyro god2513 8      2 2      
squeek.1613 1      2        
Clown1410 3        1      
Total5536 12      4 3      

Blue Deaths
NameTotalFragGrenACSShotgunYPipesSGRPGBPipesPewPewMirvSNailgunEMPAidsLaserDetpackSGdetWrenchShotgunPewPew 1 Bounce
grimace621012817452 3    1    
Clown5871261248132 1 1   1 
squeek.506971104432 1 1 1  1
pyro god43513458212  1  1 1  
Total213284625352619887 3 221111

Red Kills
NameTotalFragGrenACSShotgunYPipesSGRPGBPipesPewPewMirvSNailgunEMPAidsLaserDetpackSGdetWrenchShotgunPewPew 1 Bounce
TheMilkMan618  35  8 7    2  1 
Nbr1Yoer585 13 26  8  3   11 1
Superior Christian to Chicken503461               
VoiD364 11  19      2     
Total205204625352619887 3 221111

Red Deaths
NameTotalFragGrenACSShotgunYPipesSGRPGBPipesPewPewMirvSNailgunEMPAidsLaserDetpackSGdetWrenchShotgunPewPew 1 Bounce
VoiD3113 41 6 12 2 2     
TheMilkMan2317 5   1           
Nbr1Yoer21101 1 11 12 11 2   
Superior Christian to Chicken193 53 11  222      
Total94431145 83134433 2