Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
11:21:54kinoko [patchouli irl].rrrrrrrr
11:22:15AgionI am society
11:23:18[18.6.1986 prcat] Averagedot radicaldad
11:23:25Agiondot urmon
11:23:48kinoko [patchouli irl]glhf
11:23:49kinoko [patchouli irl]@_@
11:23:51big billglhf
11:23:56mvgumbuk... we should try fortressone...
11:24:00[18.6.1986 prcat] Averagei think ill be blasting SOAD after this
11:24:06mvi could actually get a 24/7 server running in my home
11:24:11mvfor the game
11:24:52[MAIL]}} soap breakeryou aint a Red Demoman if you've never done this before ^462 ^570
11:24:54kinoko [patchouli irl]71 50
11:24:55[18.6.1986 prcat] Averagelucky bastard
11:25:34mvnear button
11:25:57kinoko [patchouli irl]75 50
11:28:32kinoko [patchouli irl]if u can get door im at flag
11:28:48[18.6.1986 prcat] Averageits packed idk if we can get it at this rate
11:30:50kinoko [patchouli irl]18 0
11:34:14kinoko [patchouli irl]-2 24
11:34:41kinoko [patchouli irl]the fucking ladder is so retarded
11:37:42big billrofl
11:37:43[MAIL]}} soap breakeryou aint a Red Demoman if you've never done this before ^41 ^50
11:38:02[MAIL]}} soap breakermad
11:38:16kinoko [patchouli irl]68 177
11:38:22kinoko [patchouli irl]idk the button
11:38:25[18.6.1986 prcat] AverageC
11:38:43[MAIL]}} soap breakerillegal
11:38:48kinoko [patchouli irl]@_@
11:38:57[MAIL]}} soap breakergg
11:38:59mvbad game
11:39:01[MAIL]}} soap breakerneed break