Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:56:46foxu got a mic fool?
00:56:51FooLyea your shits broken
00:56:54FooLi told you
00:57:07FooLvoid can you hear me??
00:57:12shurbrrtdo you guys play minecraft hoplite
00:57:16your neighbourly emp spammerno
00:57:20your neighbourly emp spammerno one can
00:57:21Jonathanno i have sex
00:57:29shurbrrtno you don't
00:57:34FooLi cant hear fox
00:57:37FooLonly void
00:58:12shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:58:25shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:58:29JonathanNOT ON MY WATCH 54 47
00:58:34shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:58:35shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:58:40VoiDi flicked that
00:58:40Jonathanwere my detpacks fun
00:58:56shurbrrt^5*** [^4-365^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
00:59:12shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:59:17shurbrrt^5*** [^4-414^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
00:59:48shurbrrt^3TYPE ^2.r^3 TO RECEIEVE ^9**FREE GAY PORN**
00:59:52shurbrrt^5*** [^4-404^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
00:59:57FooLdonno mic doesnt work
01:00:01FooLfox yo uwere muted all of schtop too
01:00:04foxit doesnt work
01:00:04your neighbourly emp spammerwhat about in-game mic
01:01:00FooL100 Hens and 200 Armadillos
01:02:42FooL27 Hens and 13 Armadillos
01:03:04shurbrrt^5*** [^4-23^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:03:15shurbrrt^5*** [^4-13^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:03:26shurbrrt^5*** [^442^5|^036^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:08:03shurbrrt^5*** [^483^5|^096^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:09:38shurbrrt^5*** [^469^5|^069^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:10:00shurbrrt^5*** [^473^5|^0100^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:12:20shurbrrtpedophilic prefires
01:12:21FooL67 Hens and 33 Armadillos
01:12:23shurbrrt90/100 2EZ2BORING
01:13:20shurbrrt^5*** [^4-20^5|^00^5] FLAG THROWN ***
01:15:01JonathanFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 75 50
01:15:05your neighbourly emp spammergg