Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:22:03chef-TALK TO ME
19:22:26chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:22:30chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:22:38chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:23:05Megatroncan you trimp
19:23:06Megatronoff those
19:23:36chef-U WANNA SEE?
19:23:38BOSS | Vinzocarbon
19:23:41BOSS | Vinzois gonna start playing thius game
19:23:43BOSS | Vinzonice:)
19:23:43Megatron1 50
19:24:05Megatron75 50
19:24:57chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:25:07Megatron54 50
19:25:07chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:25:08Megatron54 50
19:25:17MR. PAY MEgoooo
19:25:19chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:25:23chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:25:29MR. PAY MEmegatroll
19:25:34MR. PAY MEty
19:25:39Megatronwe are missing one
19:25:50MR. PAY ME!teams
19:25:50Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ chef- ^0&^ OHJEEZY
19:25:50Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ lope
19:25:59Megatronk go
19:25:59BOSS | Vinzok im here
19:26:01BOSS | Vinzosorry
19:26:02BOSS | Vinzotalking to carbon
19:26:05chef-^6:: ^5tossed^4 71 ^6::
19:26:06BOSS | Vinzofulfilling the sale
19:26:09BOSS | Vinzoclosing the deal
19:26:11BOSS | Vinzohes sold
19:26:18BOSS | Vinzowho did u pick
19:26:19Megatron57 50
19:26:20BOSS | Vinzou have 2
19:26:22BOSS | Vinzo!teams
19:26:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ chef- ^0&^ OHJEEZY
19:26:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ lope
19:26:28BOSS | Vinzochef and oj
19:26:33Megatron1 50
19:26:35BOSS | Vinzo?
19:26:38Megatroni didnt say those
19:26:41Megatroni want the one in base
19:26:43Megatronwithout a conc
19:26:49BOSS | Vinzohuh
19:26:55BOSS | Vinzochef can u come red plz
19:27:09Megatron67 50
19:27:12BOSS | Vinzoi gues it only took chef about 1 month
19:27:15BOSS | Vinzobefore he starts acting out again
19:27:28BOSS | Vinzored plz
19:27:30BOSS | Vinzopick bio
19:27:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ chef- ^0&^ OHJEEZY
19:27:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ lope
19:27:44BOSS | Vinzohmm
19:27:45BOSS | Vinzo@teams
19:27:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ chef- ^0&^ OHJEEZY
19:27:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ lope
19:27:49BOSS | Vinzodrak
19:27:54Megatron67 50
19:28:17chef-Nice Rolex DraKoNaL
19:28:20Megatron-5 19
19:28:20BOSS | Vinzobrb one sec
19:28:21Megatron75 50
19:28:34chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:28:35chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:28:36chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:28:38Megatron75 50
19:28:38chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:28:50Megatronwere ready
19:28:50chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:28:57King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdatleast 40 pm
19:29:03King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdthats in minutes also
19:29:27Megatron90 100
19:29:39chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:29:50Megatron52 44
19:29:51BOSS | Vinzok
19:29:56Megatron26 0
19:29:59King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rd30 sec vin?
19:30:04Megatron90 100
19:30:26chef-Nice Rolex Megatron
19:30:27Megatron90 100
19:30:49chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:31:09chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:31:11chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:31:56BOSS | Vinzolol
19:31:58BOSS | Vinzothx
19:32:00chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:32:13squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:32:15squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:32:32chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:33:55chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:34:19squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:35:08Megatron39 30
19:35:09Megatron41 30
19:35:28BOSS | Vinzolol
19:35:34chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:35:35chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:35:49squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:35:56chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:36:07lopeflag tossed
19:36:12chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:36:14chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:36:28lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 90 100
19:36:33lopeflag tossed
19:36:35squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:37:06lope<Vinny> I cant tell you how frustrated I am with you right now
19:37:33chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:37:35chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:37:41chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:38:06lopeflag tossed
19:38:12squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:38:13chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:38:25chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:38:42chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:41:36chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:42:11BOSS | Vinzotlol
19:42:14BOSS | Vinzohacks squeek
19:42:24Megatron-13 0
19:42:28squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:42:33chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:42:50chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:42:51chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:43:12squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:43:15chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:44:19squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:44:26chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:44:29chef-^6:: ^5building sg, can i haz ^3bags? ^6::
19:44:39squeek.flag tossed [ ]
19:44:45lopeflag tossed
19:45:34BOSS | Vinzoyes
19:45:35BOSS | Vinzolol