Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:06:35spoon has left the gamegary hurry up and dc
23:06:39rDg.f$this server is laggy as shit
23:06:42Features has left the gameTBH^
23:07:15Features has left the gameanyone wanna volunteer captain
23:08:00Features has left the gameok
23:08:04Features has left the gamesqueek v spoon tbh
23:08:07Features has left the gamebecause ss
23:08:12FooLiowhat does tbh mean
23:08:19Features has left the gameto be honest
23:08:27spoon has left the gametwo big handfuls
23:08:32FooLioseems like bad grammar
23:08:37FooLiosqueek vs spoon tbh
23:08:47Features has left the gameso is FooLio
23:08:48Features has left the game..
23:08:49Features has left the gameso
23:08:51FooLioi always thought thats what it means but people use that shit wierd
23:08:54FooLioits not bad grammar
23:08:58FooLioits just a non word
23:08:59Features has left the gameit's
23:09:12rDg.f$stfu imo tbh
23:09:15FDAr we playin a pickup
23:09:16BOSS | MafiaManlol
23:09:20BOSS | MafiaManwaiting on moto
23:09:21Features has left the gameno
23:09:28FooLiowe came here to talk about internet lingo
23:09:30Features has left the gamespectate
23:09:42BOSS | MafiaManspeculate
23:09:49Features has left the gameme vs spoon or what
23:09:51rDg.f$iirc stfu tbo kthx
23:09:55Features has left the gamedoes anyone else wanna captain
23:10:12Features has left the gamespec rdg
23:10:19spoon has left the gamegary
23:10:23Features has left the gameSQUEEK
23:10:28Features has left the gamefda
23:10:31spoon has left the game!teams
23:10:32Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ spoonhasleft ^0&^ foolio ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:10:32Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ rDg ^0&^ FPSMoto ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Features
23:10:36BOSS | MafiaManfoolio or moto
23:10:44FooLioi like that team
23:10:44Features has left the gamerdg
23:10:58BOSS | MafiaManfaulio
23:11:10spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
23:11:28spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 90 - 100
23:12:26BOSS | MafiaManrly -.-
23:15:06BOSS | MafiaManwhat game
23:16:45BOSS | MafiaMantrr
23:17:59spoon has left the gamesub
23:18:02spoon has left the gamemm lagged oiut
23:18:32spoon has left the gameffs
23:18:34spoon has left the gamesub
23:18:45mattorrrfood in my way
23:18:52little devil:D
23:19:22little devilwant me to sub spoon?
23:19:28little devilk
23:19:30spoon has left the gamecant even play
23:24:08BOSS | MafiaMannope
23:27:13BOSS | MafiaMangg