Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:19:06H^. spooncpts
18:19:13H^. Gary2Goodcapts or leaving
18:19:17H^. @reoirc teams
18:19:18H^. hadeZfarmville?
18:19:19H^. spoon!teams
18:19:19Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
18:19:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ reo` ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
18:19:25richardvillered team
18:19:26H^. Gary2Goodadmin suck a nut
18:19:28ninewe can't do capts this is a league match
18:19:40H^. hadeZ!setmode captains
18:19:46richardvillefirst pick always <---
18:19:49H^. Gary2Good!setmode pool
18:19:51H^. Gary2Good!players 8
18:19:52H^. spoon!pick matt. gary. oreo
18:19:55H^. hadeZcl_interpolate 0
18:19:57ninehave to play on your clan
18:20:14H^. hadeZno cheating and if u do make sure u record
18:20:19H^. spoonFUCK YA
18:20:22H^. Gary2Goodmake sure you send it to rodox
18:20:30H^. spoonglgl
18:20:34H^. hadeZmost important have fun
18:22:11H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [17.0]
18:22:42H^. hadeZMedic! 31|32
18:23:05H^. hadeZMedic! 100|300
18:24:32H^. hadeZMedic! 18|1
18:24:34H^. hadeZMedic! 15|0
18:24:49H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [51.4]
18:25:19H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [53.14]
18:26:13H^. hadeZMedic! 97|290
18:26:34H^. hadeZMedic! 36|139
18:26:36H^. hadeZMedic! 27|139
18:26:38H^. hadeZMedic! 21|139
18:26:52H^. hadeZMedic! 88|116
18:27:09H^. hadeZMedic! 1|0
18:27:11H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [100.200]
18:27:12H^. hadeZMedic! 1|0
18:27:14H^. hadeZMedic! 1|0
18:27:16H^. hadeZMedic! 1|100
18:27:17H^. hadeZMedic! 1|250
18:27:25H^. hadeZMedic! 1|300
18:27:49H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [55.21]
18:27:57H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [55.21]
18:28:25H^. hadeZMedic! 47|91
18:28:29H^. hadeZMedic! 47|300
18:28:37H^. hadeZMedic! 77|300
18:28:41H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [75.101]
18:28:56H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [18.0]
18:29:21H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [55.24]
18:29:55H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [77.109]
18:29:57H^. hadeZMedic! 80|226
18:29:59|SC|MoYAHey, H^. hadeZ ! Surprise Buttsecks at #FF_TEAM_BLUE Ramp Room ! 90 100
18:30:35H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [53.15]
18:30:43H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [37.0]
18:33:48H^. hadeZMedic! 31|34
18:34:15H^. hadeZMedic! 31|34
18:34:22H^. hadeZMedic! 27|18
18:34:36H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [66.67]
18:34:46H^. Gary2GoodMedic! [66.67]
18:34:50H^. hadeZMedic! 31|27
18:35:34H^. spoongg
18:35:35H^. hadeZgg
18:35:35|SC|MoYAwell this was the most boring 15 minutes i've ever experienced lol
18:35:43H^. hadeZ!request newsub