Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
01:42:12Wicked_Clownno idea who solaire is
01:42:20Just be cool broI've seen him before
01:42:33Just be cool bro!admin solaire, you coming?
01:42:57Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:43:28Jody Highroller^2[Flesh:75 | Blood:50]
01:43:28Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:44:05Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:44:46Jody Highroller^5 Nitrorevenge
01:44:52Jody Highroller^5 is solaire
01:44:54Jody Highroller^5 yeah
01:45:23Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:45:54Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:45:54Wicked_ClownU KILED HIM
01:46:00Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:46:04Wicked_Clownur a monster
01:46:07Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:46:14Just be cool broxD
01:46:18Jody Highroller^5 ...
01:46:20Jody Highroller^5 it is him
01:46:27Just be cool broOk well if no one is coming
01:46:30foxit's josh
01:46:32Jody HighrollernitrovengE: you got dub in there?
01:46:34Wicked_Clowni mean... he was the last person to join
01:46:35Just be cool broI'll 2v2
01:46:35Jody Highroller^5 it's him
01:46:42Wicked_Clownso hes not joining on purpose
01:46:42Just be cool broanyone wanna 2v2 me and rocky
01:47:12Just be cool broyea, we could prob start getting full games again soon
01:47:24Jody Highroller^3 ROFL
01:47:25Jody Highroller^2[Flesh:-4 | Blood:19]
01:47:26Jody Highroller^2[Flesh:-4 | Blood:19]
01:47:37Just be cool broi'm hoping that squeek makes me admin
01:47:44Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:47:59Just be cool broCause there really isn't enough admins right now
01:48:10Jody Highroller^3 ROFL
01:48:16Just be cool broAnd if ppl knew there was gonna be 1-2 smooth games per night they'd get back on irc
01:48:24Just be cool broup up for whatever
01:48:29Wicked_Clowndo stiffy and sqeek even still play? i always see them in there but havnt seen them in game for like 6 months
01:49:24Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
01:50:33Wicked_Clowngrens and pipes are a little weaker, rockets are a little stronger than tfc
01:51:15Just be cool broeh
01:51:41Jody Highroller^2[Flesh:1 | Blood:17]
01:51:42Jody Highroller^2[Flesh:1 | Blood:17]
01:51:48Jody Highroller^3 .dub, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
01:51:50Jody Highroller^3 .dub, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
01:52:15Just be cool brothis is teams?
01:52:29Jody Highroller^2.dub playing double dutch with the laser grenade.
01:52:31Jody Highroller^2.dub ^5is disquised as a ^2MIRV. ^5Location: ^2Somewhere.
01:52:35Jody Highroller^3 .dub, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
01:52:36Jody Highroller^3 .dub, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
01:52:39Just be cool brolets randomize teams
01:52:41Just be cool bro!teams
01:52:41Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Wicked_Clown ^0&^ Helen-Keller ^0&^ foxxx
01:52:41Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ solaire ^0&^ dubbbbbbbbbbbzb ^0&^ medman420
01:52:43foxi got 1 more
01:52:49Just be cool broyes!!!
01:52:51Just be cool brovat!!!
01:52:59Just be cool brohey
01:53:03foxdavid red
01:53:05Just be cool brofor my personal enjoyment
01:53:09Just be cool brocan i have rocky and vatt
01:53:10foxfatal blue
01:53:13Just be cool brovs wicked fox and dub
01:53:29Just be cool brook
01:53:29Just be cool brocool
01:53:33Just be cool brou guys want red or blue
01:53:38Just be cool brosweet
01:53:45Just be cool bro2 sol and a demo?
01:53:52foxwhatever u wanna play
01:54:09Just be cool broyea
01:54:11Wicked_Clownyah sure lets do this thing
01:54:14Just be cool brolets do destroy
01:54:17Just be cool broor something 3v3 worthy
01:54:28Just be cool brocool guys
01:54:30Just be cool brolets roll